Men's Meet-Up Linköping
Fri, Aug 16
|Elsas Hus, Ateljé Siri Berlin
I would like to invite you to a meet-up for men, where you can exchange your experiences, fears, thoughts, feelings and helpful tools to be the man, lover, husband, dad, brother you want to be.

Time & Location
Aug 16, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Elsas Hus, Ateljé Siri Berlin, Elsa Brändströms gata 3A, 582 27 Linköping, Sweden
About the event
Hello dear human in a male body,
I would like to invite you to a meet-up for men, where you can exchange your experiences, fears, thoughts, feelings and helpful tools to be the man, lover, husband, dad, brother you want to be.
The goal of this meeting is to become better at communicating and allowing and listening to feelings, as well as to let go of control and feel save in the community of brothers. A healing experience.
Today some men have little to no emotional community with other men. But: Men also do have feelings . And they too need someone to hold space for these feelings. Dealing with everything yourself and "toughening up" often leads to unhealthy and unhelpful behavior like withdrawl or agression. Boys do cry. This is the space to unlearn and reboot.
Topics can be everything, as trust is build in steps. And I invite you to talk about sexuality as well.
Sexuality is a difficult topic for most of us. And because we are not used to talking about in publicly, we get easily the impression that it is shameful to talk about sex. Maybe we also have been shamed by others that something we do, want, or say is weird or dirty. No wonder we avoid talking about it when it brings up uncomfortable feelings. But it would be so necessary to get what we want and to avoid what we don’t want.
While secrecy (not talking about it) and judgment (calling something weird or dirty) increase shame, compassion, and normalization are the antidote. And that is what I would like to offer in the meet-up for men.
Disclaimer: I am female. And therefore this is not a classical men's group. My role in this meet-up is to hold space for your experiences, and feelings, and to moderate the meeting. And of course, I can answer questions from my perspective as a female and sex therapist.
Depending on what participants want and how many humans show up, we can decide on frequency, content and form of these meet-ups.
The meet-up is 120 minutes and free of charge. We welcome a donation (recommended 50-150kr) - if possible for you - for room, coffee, and snacks.
Drop me a message if you plan to join. Looking forward to see you,