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Siri Sundin
5 min read
Are we getting more prude by using Instagram? (YES!)
and Why I believe that writing "s3x", "v@gina" etc., and selecting what to post to not to be shadowbanned is "being part of the...

Siri Sundin
5 min read
"It's time." or "The beginning of the end!?"
Peri-Menopause (1). The time when all the fun stuff ends and all the pain, sorrow, and ugliness and sweat paves its way to the surface??

Siri Sundin
8 min read
"Alternatives to monogamy" or "What it means being true"
Fidelity - often translated as the value of being in a monogamous relationship(not having sex with others than your partner) - seems to...

Siri Sundin
5 min read
Let's talk about Sex, baby!
Let's talk about Sex, baby! Or not. Or what do you think? Isn’t it just uncomfortable to talk about „these things“ =

Siri Sundin
5 min read
On Nudity
(yes, „sex“, I know) What is actually nudity? It feels like that so many people shy away from being, looking at, talking about, or even...

Siri Sundin
4 min read
Catching up - Wednesday 17th, 2024
Hello beautiful reader, a lot is happening. In the world and in my mind. And on some winter days it feels even for a positive human like...

Siri Sundin
3 min read
So much much to do...
Writing, listening, painting, drawing, advertisement, exhibitions, events, life-drawing, organizing, cleaning. Please...

Siri Sundin
3 min read
I stay unknown.
How many jobs do you need to do as an artist? Rambling about it clears my mind and lets me focus.
My 2 cents...
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